THE SOLDIER to be performed in the USA - Nov 2018
In late 2017 I was contacted by a representative of the Melbourne [Florida, USA] Municipal Band - a request was made for a concert band arrangement of my song The Soldier as they were thinking of including it in an End of WW1 Centennial Performance. I set about having an arrangement made and ultimately the bands conductor decided to include the song.
I have copied some recent correspondence below - I am delighted to be included in the 'write' up for the event - what an honour.
Event Name:
Concert Commemorating the Centennial of the End of World War I
Nature of Event: Performance & Creative Exhibition
Scope of Event: Local
On November 7 & 8, 2018, the Melbourne [USA] Municipal Band, under the direction of Ms. Staci Rosbury, will present a special tribute to the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. The concert will feature distinguished guest conductors Col. Bryan Shelburne, former director of the US Army Band “Pershing’s Own;” Col. Hal Gibson, former director of the US Army Field Band; and Dr. Dan Bolin, former professor of music and chairman of the music department at Butler University in Indianapolis.
The band will perform music that was popular during World War I including both hit songs and patriotic classics. You will hear well-known works by Irving Berlin, George M. Cohan and John Philip Sousa. You will also hear patriotic masterpieces including “God Bless America” and “America the Beautiful.” The concert will also feature a song written by Australian composer and folk singer Guy Walton. It pays tribute to the 10 million military personnel who died during World War I. The band arrangement was created especially for this concert.
Various military support organizations will participate by their presence and displays.
Venue Name:
Melbourne Auditorium